« Progress That Illumines: What Progress Looks Like in a OneEarth World »

One of the most difficult matters to face up to is that the Progress we work hard to attain can result in advancing an illusion—the illusion of MultiEarth living. As such, that Progress strikes us blind to what it really takes to live on one planet. But if we can be blinded by Progress, can we also be illumined by Progress?
Yes, I believe we can. In the final chapter of Blinded by Progress, I describe how the OneEarth paradigm understands Progress. Here’s in part what I say:
“OneEarth Progress is not primarily focused in technology or linear process. Rather, it focuses in regeneration through the cyclical, spiraling patterns of Nature. We experience such regeneration along with all species as we annually cycle through Nature’s seasons. We’ve also come to know that everything from atomic particles to interstellar bodies rotate and revolve around each other in recurring sequences, all the while evolving new expressions of being. Through these recurring cycles and spirals, all the same and yet all different, Progress, in its OneEarth meanings, takes us into the capacities of greater consciousness that we humans are truly capable of. Getting to that point is our Great Work at this moment in time. Operating from the more expansive topographies of consciousness … gets us back inside of Nature. There we can rediscover our interdependence with all life forms and share our energy cooperatively in the community of life.”
Choosing what kind of Progress we pursue matters a great deal!
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