« March Madness! 4 Free Days for eBook Version, "Blinded by Progress" »

Let’s keep on getting into strong, engaging, civil conversations about sustainability and Earth’s marvelous ecological capacities! That’s why the OneEarth Project is having our own version of March Madness! Whether or not you’re a lover of basketball’s version of March Madness, we welcome you to the OneEarth Project version. Here are our March Madness numbers: 4, 200, 672, and 8!
4 (Four!) — We’re offering Blinded by Progress for FREE for four days, March 1-4. Note that this is the eBook version only; not the print copy. These Free Days are possible as a special program of KDB Select (Kindle) which allows authors to opt for up to 5 Free Days. We’ve already done one.
200 — In December when we offered a Free Day, 200 copies were downloaded. Maybe that was because the book was a brand new release. Let’s see what happens during the four free days in March.
672 — Speaking of FREE, we just gave away 10 print copies through the Goodreads Giveaways program that ended Feb. 21. The best news is that 672 people registered for one of those copies which means that a lot more people have expressed interest in the themes of the book! The 10 copies have been sent to the lucky winners scattered across the country: Spokane, WA; Bartlett, TN; Litchfield, IL; Las Vegas, NV; New Orleans, LA; Durham, NC; and more.
8 — Currently, there are 8 “customer reviews” on Amazon.com. for Blinded by Progress, meaning that a mere 8 people have added their VOICE to the conversation on what the book is saying. Greg Voisen is the latest to add his voice. Lan Richart and Kevin Nenstiel are other recent additions. Check out his thoughts if you haven’t yet. Because lots of people read Amazon reviews, it’s a great opportunity for us. For any of you receiving a free copy, please get into the conversation on the book’s themes by putting your thoughts in the “review comments” on Goodreads, Amazon, your own blog, or just send them to us via email to lee@jubilee-economics.org.
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