« Good to Be Part of the 48th Annual Exhibit of Local Authors—See It! »

The 48th Annual Exhibit of Local Authors opened last Friday at the San Diego City Library, the sponsor of the event. Because Blinded by Progress: Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us was published during 2013, I submitted a copy and am happy to be included in the exhibit of locally produced books. The exhibit continues just for this month of February and is conducted annually as an encouragement to local writers. Then all books become part of the library’s permanent collection. One author, T. Jefferson Parker, has a book that was a New York Times Bestseller in the past year. The youngest author is only 10 years old.
Pam Barratt & LeeThe exhibit includes children’s books, fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, histories of particular periods and places, personal growth and self improvement books, guidance for people with mental challenges such as bipolar disease—an amazing diversity of interest expressed, coaxed from the creative juice of local writers. Be sure to see this exhibit.
Highlights of the evening for me?
- Spending a couple of hours in this beautiful new City Library! What an extraordinarily good ambiance. 15,000 sq. feet for children; 10,000 for teens; nine stories; 3.8 million books; a charter high school occupies 2 floors; averages 3200 users per day (compared to 800 at the previous library)
- Reconnecting with a friend, Pam Barratt, who was there because of her new novel, Gray Dominion, published during 2013. This is her third book. She had attended two previous exhibits when her previous books came out.
- Smiling as I browsed past the beautiful books, the great range of topics, and feeling a bit of the collective joyful energy of writing projects completed and now shared.
Throughout this month of February, if you’re in the San Diego area, be sure to get to the NEW City Library. Within this splendid expression of architecture and great interior ambiance you will find displayed some beautiful books newly published by local authors! Definitely worth putting into your February calendar!
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