« Flipping Through the Just-Arrived Review Copy of "Blinded by Progress" »

A “review copy” of Blinded by Progress just arrived during the past hour. The idea is that I can see what a print copy of the book will look like. IF I see something that I feel must be changed, that can still be done before the book goes out in eBook and print form.
Flipping through the 208 pages—that includes the “Glossary,” “Index,” “Related Reading,” and “Endnotes”—hey, “I’m good with it!” But I’ll see what a more careful perusal reveals.
It looks promising, though, that the book will be available for the holidays. The eBook will be $3.95; print copies will be $12.95. These prices were agreed upon as I worked with David Wogahn at Sellbox, Inc, who has formatted the book and worked with me on all manner of get-ready-for-publishing details, and Michael Johnson, the EPICO CEO who has been my encourager: “Yes, you can write a book” and that sort of thing.
Last week I was in a workshop on telling a better story. It was led by Andy Goodman whose expertise on storytelling I greatly appreciate. When a person at my table heard about the book, he asked, “What’s the title?” “Blinded by Progress,” I replied. “Hmmm,” he smiled and nodded, “I can relate to that.”
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