« You May Have Boycotted; But Have You Joycotted? »

As the Joycott.com website says: “People love to boycott companies they insist are evil. At Joycott we prefer another approach. We love to joycott businesses.” And then they tell us how to become joycotters in a one minute video. They believe that our joyful choices can help businesses put social responsibility at the heart of their business model.
Ysmay WalshJoycotting comes from the entrepreneurial experience and spirit of Ismay Walsh who developed her first website at age 10 and began college at 12. She focuses on helping people make positive sustainable changes in their lives and intentionally welcomes spiritual impacts into her own.
Her blogging includes “Written Word Wednesday” entries of interviews with authors about their books. I’m delighted that the conversation Ismay and I had about my book, Blinded by Progress, is now on her blog. We had, as she says, a “wonderful interview.” I’m pleased that in her introduction to our conversation she tells us her own ecological footprint and encourages all readers of the interview to know their own footprint size by linking to an online footprint calculator.
Ismay’s desire to live in sync with our planet, her spiritual practice, and her commitment to disclose the joy in changemaking all add to the solidarity of energies with the OneEarth Project. Thank you, Ismay!
We made our connection, by the way, through the Bostick Communications clearinghouse. The OneEarth Project contracted with Bostick to send a news release on Blinded by Progress to over 20,000 of their clients. Ismay was one who replied, asked for a review copy and an interview. That’s what has brought us to this point—all in a matter of a couple of weeks.
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