« Wanted: Earnest Seekers to Answer "How Can Our Footprint Ecologically Fit Our Planet?" »

Our OneEarthIn the past week, two different groups discussing my book, Blinded by Progress, have asked me the question: “How can I have a footprint that is 1.0, i.e., that uses no more than the resources of one planet?” The OneEarth Project joins with all earnest seekers to answer that question, but does not yet have the answer. We do, however, know that earnest seekers need (1) to develop the depth of consciousness and soul to face and deconstruct MultiEarth living, and (2) to practice and teach lifestyles, business models, policies, spirituality, and economic models that tilt toward or embody OneEarth living in every way we can.
The most recent group to pose the question calls themselves “Friends in Exile”—acknowledging their exilic feeling of estrangement from religious and other structures that are today unable or unwilling to apply their efforts to a world with greater fairness and love. My gratitude to the dozen “Friends” who engaged in a most wonderful 90 minutes of animated conversation. Their facilitator, Laurel Gray, posts recaps of each meeting of the “Friends in Exile” which goes out to 100 persons. Here’s Laurel’s recap of our time together.
Dear Friends in Exile:
Last night we began discussion of Lee Van Ham’s book, BLINDED BY PROGRESS, Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us, Section One, p. 1-27, lead by the author.
What is meant by “Jubilee Economics”, the name of the non-profit that Lee initiated several years ago and continues to lead? In his own words, “opening our eyes to a new economic paradigm that reshapes our lives and communities.” This paradigm is based partly on the Jubilee celebration mentioned in Leviticus 25, wherein after seven years debts are forgiven, and at the end of 49 years slaves are freed and property returned to original owners.
The paradigm also follows the story of Cain and Able in Genesis 4:1-16. Is this story just another myth from the ancient Jews, or is it an attempt by Jews living in captivity in Babylon (6th century BCE) to give meaning to their ugly situation? The author maintains that it is a protest against the powers that be to establish a kind of OneEarth worldview rather than the dominant MultiEarth view.
So what is our response in a 21st century dominated by MultiEarth economics? In MultiEarth, people on the planet are using up resources faster than they can be replaced. What sort of simplified lifestyle can people of concern (churches?) demonstrate before it is too late? Individualism vs. community cooperation? Making maximum profit from our resources or treating resources as having limitations? Can civilization’s upward spiral be reduced to One Earth (where there is a balance between what is exploited and what is conserved)? Tune in…
Next time: Apr. 14: Section Two: “Five Big MultiEarth Practices Holding us in Illusion”, pp. 31-91 (Big Practice #1, “Giving Primary Devotion to Economics”; Big Practice #2, “Creating Economic Frankensteins”).
Yours for a New Reformation (and a One Earth economy!),
Laurel Gray, facilitator in exile
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