The Highly Aggressive Religion of the Global Economy — Unmatched

Adherents of The Market sell its beliefs and benefits worldwide. The World Bank, International Monetary Fund, other global financial institutions, and global corporate chains all spread their influence aggressively throughout the world to proclaim the gospel and make disciples.
- They train their personnel on how to bring the good news to all nations.
- They commission advertisers to put the good news into symbols, sound-bytes, and irresistible invitations to accept the way of salvation proclaimed by this MultiEarth economic religion.
- They promise that dedication to The Market will satisfy the deep human longings to improve life, add to self-worth, and be fulfilled.
Many managers of corporations, economists, financial advisors, business school faculty, owners of businesses, and business media provide a massive, skilled faculty of education and advanced learning in the religion of The Market.
Advertisers join in through the corporate owned media, instructing all readers, hearers, and viewers in the religious creed of global economic benefits. The training and indoctrination by advertisers is psychologically well researched. They know exactly how to engage the conscious and unconscious desires of consumers. No expense is spared in producing attractive curriculum. Testimonials reinforce their instruction.
This worldwide instruction and indoctrination in Multi Earth economic religion is unmatched by any of the other world religions.