Which Purple Flower Describes This Blog?

Recently, Ellen Roberts Young wrote about the One Earth Project on her blog, Free Thought and Metaphor: Two Sides of One Mind. The interesting blog name provokes curiosity about its content. Ellen delivers there too.
She compared my voice on this blog to a small purple flower in her yard. What’s not to like about that? Anytime my speech can be described by a biological metaphor, I smile, because more and more I am turning to nature for her teaching. It’s so revelatory. Whole. Imaginative. Truthful. Wonder-filled.
Ellen makes the point that this small plant in her yard will be seen by those who look attentively. Her metaphor works for me because it describes what has taken me to blog here about One Earth living. For several years I’ve looked attentively for those who see through the worldview that holds us captive in the irrationality of living as if we have many planets eager to resource our dominating ways. I look for the thinkers freed from that captivity; the metaphors that put doorways into the solid walls of the too-small ego-consciousness that imprisons us — doorways through which we can walk into our truer capacities as participants in a rich interdependence with one planet.
So, again, my gratitude to Ellen for her creativity and continuing work with free thinking and metaphor. Be sure to check out her blog.