Goldman Sachs Doing God's Work?

Remember the bold theological claim of Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, that Goldman Sachs was doing God’s work? That’s what he told an interviewer in November 2009, just over a year after the 2008 financial meltdown. (John Arlidge, “I’m Doing ‘God’s Work’. Meet Mr. Goldman-Sachs,” The Sunday Times, November 8, 2009)
His assertion of divine approval for economic policies was quickly countered by one of his critics, Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, who said, “It’s probably best to leave the gods out of discussions of economic policy.”
But for me the gods are always in economics. So I do not quarrel with the Goldman Sachs CEO for connecting deity and economics. But I do quarrel with his undiscerning, self-justifying theology. Far from doing the work of Creation’s God, Goldman Sachs is a global leader in implementing the mammonistic theology of the MultiEarth worldview. At the moment, no entity can hold them accountable.
The only way Goldman Sachs can be thought to doing God’s work is if we measure their work by the theology of the MultiEarth economic religion. That theology is fair game for every Goldman Sachs critic who understands economic religion. Blankfein shows that he cannot distinguish between the spiritual path of Mammon and that of the God of all Creation. This dangerous level of unconsciousness at Goldman Sachs and elsewhere deserves our criticism, whether we deliver it in satire or in exposure of the utterly damaging impacts such ignorance of paradigms has. For when MultiEarth economic religion reigns, the wellbeing of Earth and most of her inhabitants, expecpt for Blankfein and his peers, are the worse for it.