10 Ways Rallies and Marches Can Move Us toward a Better Planet

credit: Alma Sheppard MatsuoRallies and marches have increased since the U.S. election of 2016. This month alone, major marches and rallies are planned on Saturdays, April 15, 22, and 29. A Tax March on the 15th, Tax Day, aims to tell Trump that 74% of the public want him to release his taxes. In addition to the march in Washington, D.C., satellite marches will be held around the country. A March for Science is scheduled for April 22, Earth Day, in Washington, D.C., with satellite marches around the country. Check online to see what your area is doing. Then, a week later, a People’s Climate March is scheduled in Washington, D.C., and again satellite marches will be happening around the country. I’ll be at the one in Oakland, CA. Juanita, my spouse, has been actively involved in planning the one here in San Diego. Last Saturday I went with her to my first ever “Art Build”—a gathering of people for a day of creating butterfly and sunflower placards with ecological messages. Banners were being painted. Drums being built and drumming practiced. Lots of fun and conversation in anticipation of a big day of speaking with Earth instead of against her.practiced. Lots of fun and conversation in anticipation of a big day of speaking with Earth instead of against her.