America's UnAmerican Activities Flip My Paradigm at Midlife

At midlife my eyes began to open to what I could not see before. In my fifties, what had been orthodox in the morning of life sometimes turned into heresy, and many previous heresies were becoming my truth. By my mid-fifties, I had connected with a lot of people who had been deeply converted politically, economically, and religiously by their experiences in Latin America. All had come to believe that the U.S. and Multi Earth impacts in these countries were mostly wrong, sometimes desperately so. Those relationships offered a safe and sacred place for my own deep changes. When I moved from Lincoln, Nebraska, to the Chicago area, I found other people for whom experiences in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, or other Latin American countries had similarly been a turning point. One of them was Juanita, a member of the congregation I pastored. She was deeply impacted when she participated in a two week delegation to Nicaragua and Guatemala, seeing and feeling firsthand the injustices of U.S. interventions in those countries and the consequent suffering inflicted on the lives of already struggling people.
The domination of Latin America by the U.S. has consistently including forcing Multi Earth ways onto Indigenous Peoples. The resistance of Indigenous Peoples consistently sprouts from their One Earth worldview. It is encouraging that in the past decade many Latin American countries are reshaping sectors of their economy using models closer to One Earth abundance and enough for all.
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