A Divine Tattoo Warns Us against Cain's Multi Earth Worldview

This blog has reinterpreted the millennia-old Cain-Abel myth because, like John Steinbeck in East of Eden, I see it as a compelling myth opposing Multi Earth powers and as a guide for One Earthers to strongly encounter and resist our contemporary situation.
That guidance emphasizes that our resistance to Multi Earthism can best happen without vengeance. Look at the myth again. Cain went from feeling superior to Abel to feeling a victim, fearing that he could be murdered himself. But Yahweh intervened to prevent the notion that One Earthers should rise up against Multi Earthers in revenge. Cain was given a mark, a divine tattoo, if you will. The divine mark on Cain, and therefore the Multi Earths story, is not like the mark on a tree designated to be cut down. The divine mark is not intended to make the Multi Earth story an easier mark for One Earthers to destroy.
The divine tatoo is intended to show us what not to follow. The better we learn the Multi Earth worldview and its mutant traits, the better we know what to look for. When we see the marks of the Multi Earth economy, then, no matter how they may be trying to lure us, we see the tatoo. It warns us, “Stay away if you deeply care for people, planet, and species.” With that kind of consciousness, we are more likely to invoke our greater capacities and choose Abel’s One Earth ways.
Cain’s ways are, after all, not the only way to live. Nor is east of Eden the only place. Choosing Abel’s worldview will empower us to bring a contemporary One Earth version of his offering which Yahweh, the Creator, found pleasing. We CAN offer such to the world, and without vengeance toward Multi Earthers. The divine tattoo tells us to spare the energy that goes into vengeance and use it to strengthen One Earth living.