Earth Has Sent Us Her Overdraft Notice for 2012

With the arrival of September 1, I remembered that September was the month when we begin to use more of Earth’s resources than her capacities can provide for the year. But I’m already too late. It had been in September! But this year the overdraft notice went out on August 22. We’re now drawing down the inheritance of future generations and other species.
On Aug. 22, we slipped into borrowing from the future without even noticing it. That’s how I became a Multi Earther: unconsciously. All I was wanting to do was make the best choices for self-improvement, self-responsibility, and advancement. But while doing so, the Multi Earth consciousness and paradigm captured me.
This blog is not an academic blog, though the voices and sources I bring to this space have credibility in academia. My blog is a personal, confessional blog of one who has joined with others in the primary odyssey of our age. It is a journey we will make together or not make at all.
Thus, I write with the hope that you, the readers, will go further into One Earth living and scatter your comments among the blog entries. As you do, you will undoubtedly generate additional consciousness among us all.
I believe that when personal stories are written and shared, readers implicitly feel invited to think about the same issues in their own lives. In this non-directive way, this blog asks readers to explore, without guilt, shame, or despair, “How did I become a Multi Earther? Why do these unsustainable ways have such a grip on me? And what will I do to live with a different consciousness and worldview?”
Having already gone into living off the inheritance of future generations, can we not hear them wanting our answers to these questions?
Sharing our answers publicly and confessionally, provides a doorway, I believe, to the transformation of people and policies into One Earth consciousness and culture.