« One Decisive Question for Keeping Earth Livable; Three Responses »

There’s a diverse Conversation going on about the multiple, growing ecological and civilizational crises underway on our continents and in our seas and atmosphere. I listen to that conversation with one decisive question in mind: Is the person talking about these crises doing so in ways that move us to OneEarth living or are they justifying MultiEarth patterns? That, to me, is the question that cuts to the life-death choices before us. MultiEarth patterns are crescendoing to civilizational and ecological death. OneEarth choices are opting for a whole different way of living that fits on our beloved Earth and keeps her livable.
Measured by this decisive question, what people say and do divides into three different spaces: (1) some choose OneEarth Living, (2) some choose MultiEarth options, and (3) some want very much to go to OneEarth Living if it’s really feasible.
OneEarth Living — In this space, people are doing great analysis. They see the difference between MultiEarth and OneEarth thinking and living. As a result they know how to create OneEarth lifestyles focused in enough rather than more. They have a mature consciousness of sharing the abundance of our planet. They live with courage and continually construct hope amid the MultiEarth violence toward Earth and her intricate community of life. Spirituality is integral to the story they are living.
MultiEarth Living — In this space, people don’t want to face that the current crises are not merely cyclical; they are trending in an apocalyptic direction complicated by their own lifestyles, economies, investments, and governments. They cover up scientific truth, they justify their own MultiEarth choices, and they attack alternatives. Their consciousness is limited by their choice to live with their egos in charge rather than undergoing the psychological-spiritual shift to a larger Self capable of living OneEarth ways.
Could Go Either Way Living — In this space, people are pulled in both directions, sometimes toward OneEarth living, at other times to MultiEarth ways. They feel the crises are real. They are unsure which responses are most effective. They don’t yet trust themselves to have the courage to act in the face of daunting, even overwhelming, MultiEarth powers. In their hearts, however, they want to live in ways that show our planet love. They sometimes recognize how ego consciousness sabotages their desire to move further into OneEarth living. But they’ve not yet moved fully into the topography of their greater Self, unsure they can. They have yet to learn a OneEarth story to live by, but are open to one that resonates with what they feel—one that feels powerful enough to make the necessary changes, suggests doable and effective actions, and calls out their courage to move into OneEarth living.
It is to the people in this third space that the OneEarth Project dedicates most attention.
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