« Measure Change in 2014 by These 5 Practices »

Whether Republicans or Democrats win the House and Senate in 2014 has importance. So does whether media can facilitate civil debate between progressives and conservatives so that understanding and cooperation can be produced from diversity.
Yet, whatever changes in these arenas happen in 2014, their impact matters little unless we take big steps that change the following 5 Big Practices.
- BIG Practice #1: Giving Primary Religious Devotion to Economics
- BIG Practice#2: Creating Economic Frankensteins
- BIG Practice#3: Shrinking the Treasure of Humanness
- BIG Practice #4: Disguising Corporatocracy as Democracy
- BIG Practice #5: Neglecting Population and Species Imbalance
These 5 big practices hold us in the illusion of MultiEarth living. See my book, Blinded by Progress: Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us, for examples and descriptions of these five at work. Any actions we take personally to live more fully the OneEarth alternatives to these Big Practices will strengthen our resolve and grow our consciousness. Throughout the months of 2014, let’s seek the solidarity of other persons and groups, lending our energy to them and drawing on theirs to be strengthened ourselves. Working to change these Big Practices by living OneEarth alternatives, and doing so in every organization where we have influence, will move energy of mind and heart in the direction Earth is taking us.
Incremental changes we make in these areas, acting from our center, will add personal energies to the energies of thousands of others who are consciously working on alternatives to one or more of these Big Practices. When the tipping point happens (and the tipping point is no doubt far less than 50% of our species), the worldview of OneEarth living will displace the current MultiEarth illusion. It is change at the level of worldview that tips the scale and brings multiple changes with transforming depth and timeliness.
Could it happen in 2014? There’s too much uncertainty in the year ahead to say it can’t.
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