« From Egos to Eden »

The Tree of Life by Hannah Cohoon, 1854How do you like the title of this blog as a title for a book? It’s what I’m planning to call my second book … unless I get a wave of comments telling me it just doesn’t work. The book isn’t likely to be published ‘til the end of the year, so you have time to weigh in.
Words for a subtitle haven’t settled in for me yet. But maybe: “Making the Heroic Journey to OneEarth Living.”
The book spells out, chapter by chapter, the Great Work required of us to get beyond ego-thinking into those larger topographies of consciousness where we can act in harmony with Earth. Only in these larger topographies do the greater capacities of our humanness kick in. And only then can we really think Earth-size thoughts, or make OneEarth choices. Getting into such topographies is a demanding, rewarding heroic journey. Great news is that in these topographies of consciousness we are fully capable of making the choices that will reverse global warming and allow Earth’s resilience to work her mysteries that bring life.
From Egos to Eden follows on the heels of Blinded by Progress: Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us which was released December, 2013. They are the first two of a trilogy entitled, “Eden for the 21st Century.”
I have chosen to highlight the Eden myth in this trilogy because it has had enormous impact on guiding civilization … negatively. Negative, not because Eden is a dark mythology of tragedy and failure, but because it has been told as if that were the case. The misinterpretation assured that eco-tragedies, such as the ones we’re having, would result.
With “Eden in the 21st Century” I side with others who understand Eden as a strong, symbol of OneEarth living. As such, the myth of Eden helps us live to our fullest capacities as human beings. Told as it was intended, Eden stirs our archetypal and primal desires. These energies reach for the joy of living in interdependence and cooperation.
Eden activates the call of the Divine in us, calling us to an adventure greater than choosing a career because it’s most lucrative. There’s an awakening of our inclinations to resist the currents of civilization and off we go on a journey that is nothing less than heroic. Lots of it goes upstream and against the wind. But the further we get on that journey, the stronger our soul muscles become. A greater consciousness takes hold. In the topography of Eden, we decisions we weren’t thinking of before. They are decisions that get us aligned with Earth’s systems of life.
I’m hoping the book will get published and released before 2015 ends. If you want an advanced copy, let me know.
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