« Ever Been Blinded by Progress? »

It’s time to fire up this blog! I talked with David Wogahn today at Sellbox. David is “typesetting” my book now. We’re in the final stages. An indexer will go to work soon. A “Foreward” is being written. I’m eager for you to see the cover art. I’m guessing you’ll be able to get a copy by Thanksgiving.
The title of the book is “Blinded by Progress.” A subtitle adds this: “Breaking Out of the Illusion That Holds Us.” Today I started working on a Press Release. It’ll get reworked, but I’ll share a modified version here:
Turning the pages of Lee Van Ham’s new narrative nonfiction book, Blinded by Progress, releases that “ah-hah” feeling we get when truth breaks out of illusion.
Blinded by Progress shows how MultiEarth living—living as if we have more than one Earth—mesmerizes us despite the inevitable consequences of failure and death that come with this way of looking at the world and living in it. Breaking the trance has power, and uses our greater capacities. We can choose One Earth ways.
The author discloses how he came under the spell of MultiEarth ways and his efforts to reshape his life to OneEarth living. Readers will follow along with the personal quest of the author, and come to new, life-giving decisions about their own MultiEarth vs. OneEarth choices.
The clear delineation of contrasting worldviews, the personal journey of the author, and the chapter on the religious devotion given to MultiEarth economics and practices combine to make a special contribution to the ripening need to live so Earth’s inhabitability will continue.
The author has been working on ecological economics since 2000. In 2009 he met Michael Johnson, drawn together by a strong common interest in creating books and film on themes of ecology and economics. Johnson is an Emmy-award winning filmmaker. Out of their relationship was born the OneEarth Project. Van Ham is writing a three books in the project’s “Eden Series” and Johnson has begun work on a related documentary.
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