« Earth Day Love: Kisses and Promises »

What’s the biggest day of the year for this website? Earth Day, of course. And this year it comes on Tuesday, April 22, or any nearby day when your community celebrates it. In San Diego, the enormous celebration in Balboa Park happens Sunday, April 27, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It’s the day we kiss the ground—just a way to show Earth we love her and feel her love back.
Just how big is this biggest day of the year for OneEarth living? The Earth Day website says (check it out):
- One billion people celebrate annually. That one-seventh of the world’s human population!
- It’s a global celebration: from San Diego to Sarajevo, Moscow to Marakesh, Beijing to Brussels.
- People plant trees, clean up neighborhoods, and contact their officials on environmental legislation.
The 2014 theme? Green Cities! Chosen because more than half of the human population now lives in cities.
Have you decided on your 2014 Earth Day Promise of Love for Sweet Mama Earth yet? Here are some suggestions to choose from:
- Folks and Film—On or near Earth Day, invite some folks over to watch a documentary that shows some love for Earth.
- Dry clothes—Use a clothesline or inside rack. (Dryers use almost as much energy as refrigerators.)
- Earth Day Festival and Inspiraton—Attend the EarthDay event in your area and connect with folks at tables on local initiatives being taken. It’s inspiring to share stories.
- Gardening—In your yard or someone’s, raise more local herbs, tomatoes, and blackberries.
- Earth Day website—Do one action gleaned from the website
- Yards—Add only native plants.
- Green your portfolio—Show Earth some love with where you put your money.
- Solar—Help your city do solar on its houses, buildings, parking lots so it doesn’t transport on those ugly power lines from big solar farms out in the desert.
- Earth Day History—Learn the story! It’s a great story that started in 1970. Read about it here.
- Transportation—Car use per person is down in 46 states; public transit up. Bicycles up. Many Amtrak routes between cities increase ridership annually.
Lots of love in these promises, just as she promises so much abundance and motherly care for us. What an amazing cosmic mother we have!
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