« Being in Love—the Strongest "Energy Drink" to Boost Our Changes to OneEarth Ways »

What’s the greatest energy for changing our lives and systems to live within our Earth’s bio-systems? It’s not more facts. It’s not new technology. Not a better paying job or professional achievement. Nor is it fear. No, the greatest source of energy for change on our planet is being in love. “Red Bull” step aside.
New choices are empowered when our love for the entire Earth Community flows. The love for animals and the biological diversity of Earth Community is widespread. We humans continually fall in love with the sheer Mystery that is Earth.
Invoking love does not, however, factor into the economics of the MultiEarth story, whereas it’s at the core of the OneEarth worldview and economy. Just speak with the people who have stopped buying from chain stores, or with those who are farming small organic farms, or those engaged in urban farming. All convey their passionate love for what they are doing. Do the same with those who have opened small local businesses; speak with those who have increased the amount of time in nature to learn her ways; speak with those who have organized a workers cooperative or a community land trust. Or listen to the woman who has been empowered to choose her pregnancies and thus translate her love for her children into improved economic possibilities instead of hopeless cycles of poverty.
Many of us love living in harmony with Earth’s magnificence. When we do, we awaken to the cycles of the seasons and the cosmology that they express. The universe is, we come to recognize, revelatory. Gripped by the power, commonsense, and sacredness of Earth Community, we ritualize this love in our families and in circles of meditation, chanting, and worship. We speak of a revitalized spirituality that may or may not connect with traditions of religion.
Being in love with Earth’s community of life increases our energy to withdraw support from MultiEarth mega-banks, to change our investments for sustainability, to grow food and get it from the most sustainable sources possible. Being in love, as all of us know, opens our eyes to see the world differently. Our hearts are in it. We believe that there is that elegant frugality by which we humans can live without robbing from other species. Love moves us to do the kinds of things that all of us humans can do to counter our unprecedented takeover of other species.
Sure, we are angry about the actions and institutions of the dominators. But far more prevalent is our love for life and the energies it releases in us to reshape our households and to impact society and culture with creative imagination. We forego maximum economic acquisition and choose lifestyles, as much as possible, that are consistent with our passion, inner guide, and spirituality. By love, we leave the MultiEarth economy so we can live more lovingly in the OneEarth economy. We do not wait for Earth Community someday; we put our faith in her now and live Earth Community as fully as we can.
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