« A Foreword by Chuck Collins, the Back Cover, Final Edits—Last Items before Publication »

Chuck CollinsWhat a learning curve I’m in! Every week I learn more about the fascinating, rapid-change world of publishing a book. This past week the “Foreword” arrived, written by Chuck Collins. I met Chuck some years ago in Boston when he was working with United for a Fair Economy. Now he’s a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies, a D.C. think tank that just celebrated its 50th anniversary. Chuck has written several books on wealth inequality and the transition to a new economy, so it’s a treat to have him write the “Foreword” to Blinded by Progress. Here’s an excerpt from what he wrote:
System thinker Lee Van Ham has brought decades of reflecting about the dynamics of our predicament and gifted us with this book…. Blinded by Progress is our wake up manual, our guide to deprogramming ourselves from the limitations of MultiEarth vision.
Thanks, Chuck. You’re much appreciated. In Blinded by Progress I quote from the book Economic Apartheid that Chuck wrote with Felise Yeskel, recently deceased. Many have also benefitted from the Resilience Circles that Chuck and others are urging people to form to keep their creativity and courage flowing when they lose jobs or are sent reeling by the economic downturn and volatility.
Another big item this week was the Index. The indexer, Catherine Barr, completed it ahead of schedule. As the week continued a couple more endorsements arrived which I’ll share soon on this blog. Earlier today I completed the back cover. Now, as I write this at the end of the week, there are just half a dozen little edits that I need to go over with David Wogahn, Sellbox, Inc., who is formatting the book and uploading it for eBook and print copy publication. That will be complete, we think, in another two weeks. November 18 is the target.
Will it really be ready for readers by the 18th? If you read this blog, you’ll be among the first to know. I know, of course, that I’m more excited about this than any of you reading this. So, I hope my excitement ripples out to energize you for whatever tasks you need energy for.
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