« Holidays "Invaded" Our Schedules; Facilitated Break from Blogs »

Today I feel ready to return to this blog. I was surprised to see that Dec. 17 was my last post here. I hadn’t really planned on taking a break. That I did so, speaks to the wonderful powers of Solstice, Advent, Channukah, Christmas, Christmastide, New Years, Epiphany, Kwanzaa, or whatever other themes and days you may have marked. How sacredly interrupting they are, these seasons! I’m grateful that they impact me as strongly as they do, even though not every moment is comfortable for me. Not by any means.
As we begin 2013, new consciousness is growing even as old consciousness digs in. Nielsen ratings show Fox News losing audience; Rachel Maddow gaining. Indigenous Peoples are rising up in Canada with the “Idle No More” movement, adding to Indigenous witness showing up in Mexico, Australia, and elsewhere. More people are daring to believe that an economy other than the global one is possible. Extreme weather is changing consciousness as well, raising up One Earth living as a standard on which people are agreeing. Earth will not be endlessly violated by rapacious economics.
Because of all the bubbling and roiling underway in the huge cauldron of human consciousness, the seasons just past have been stronger than usual days of remembering and changing. Earth is sending clear messages on where she is heading. They’re dark messages for the global economic paradigm of the moment, but I’m loving the possibilities for living interdependently with all life on our planet.
So as I log and blog into 2013, I anticipate reading your comments.
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