« Cain, the Murderer? Sure ... along with All Multi Earthers! Ouch! »

By the time I was learning the Cain and Abel story in the 20th century, the purpose of the first storytellers centuries earlier had been lost on me. The conflict between nomadic herders and settled farmers had been long forgotten in the history I learned in school and church.
So I was well along in my journey of viewing how history portrays the struggle between Multi Earth and One Earth paradigms when I first began to feel the power that the story of Cain and Abel had originally as a story of the great divorce between the herder-hunter-gather, nomadic way of being in the world and the settled agriculturalist way, between those preferring decentralized power to those eager to concentrate it in cities.
Once I could listen to the story with this awareness of why its first storytellers told it, I realized I was coming to a deeper truth. As I’d heard the story taught, preached, and misused, Cain was presented as the first murderer, a dark example of fallen human nature. Nothing much more. But he and his brother are so much more. Cain and Abel were and are representative characters of a drama that changed how our species lives on Earth. Thinking of them as historical offspring of Adam and Eve could never deliver that truth.
Question: Ray Anderson, late CEO of Interface Corporation, tells how his change of consciousness toward One Earth living involved recognizing that he’d been a predator. All of us Multi Earthers are, no? How are we murderers? (Sorry to ask such an pleasant question.)
Reader Comments (13)
K. - No, I don't see the real Powers changing. They'll have to convert out of their whole way of being and doing into the One Earth paradigm which shouts "No!" to theirs. A few, like Ray Anderson of Interface Corp. did convert. The collapse of the system of the Powers is as sure as the extinction of dinosaurs. BUT I could be wrong. Howard Zinn said that the future is too uncertain to believe change won't happen. For me, I'm seeking to live into and out of a more mature One Earth consciousness. That fills my times completely, reconnects me with Earth's community of life, is my spiritual practice, and takes me into self-empowerment of doing what I yearn for and love passionately. I'm weary of focusing much energy in active protest; I'm energized by working on alternatives. I believe creating alternatives is actually the best and most powerful form of protest. Keep posting your thoughts!
A comment of yours from April 2011 said the multi-earths story is reliant on our fear. I am in agreement with this and hold it to be the fundamental cause of our erroneous living from the tiny to the mighty. Paul Hawken apparently once wrote, and stands by, the following sentence: ‘There is no polite way to say that business is destroying the world.’ Yet he also believes, passionately, that business―with its restless energy, imagination, and creativity―will one day get us out of the mess it has made. Says Hawken: ‘I believe business is on the verge of . . . a change brought on by social and biological forces that can no longer be ignored or put aside.’”
I agree that businesses have certainly played on our fears. The blind leading the blind. I yearn for the world to see the consequences of our fears. Do you think this is ever possible or only by individuals? Will our lower human traits always surface one way or another? As a species, could we really ever overcome our fear for our own survival and learn to share and love the earth? Jesus said we need perfect love to overcome fear. (I appreciate that as individuals 'every little bit helps, and our lives are short). Ultimately, are you saying we must again become hunter/gatherers - Is that even conceivable? What do you think about fear being our fundamental problem and any potential for a larger understanding to help us against it?