« Untangling the Grip of Multi Earth Tentacles on Us »

For much of my life, my consciousness remained too undeveloped to have dissented from Multi Earth living anywhere near the degree that I now believe to be necessary. Getting my ecological footprint from 3.7 planets to 1.0, I now understand, means more than daily dissent from Multi Earth living. It requires that I learn to live as a One Earther, and to do so in movement-building ways with others. Writing here helps me untangle the grip of this Multi Earth worldview that increases the danger of how we humans live. Why, given my greatly increased awareness, and an earnest desire to live at 1.0, have I not been able to shake loose from the tentacles with which Multi Earth-ism grip me? And why, all around our spinning globe, does Multi Earth-ism attract so many into loving money and desiring more?
Deceivingly elusive questions that have carried me into writing a book about them. Others are helping me with final edits. Our One Earth Team is looking for publishers for bound copy or ebook versions, or both. Sending a query letter to publishers is underway. Final titles are being pondered. You can influence this process by leaving your comments here. Weigh in on Multi Earth and One Earth living as you see them.
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