« And, the First Book in the One Earth Project Is ... »

Last Friday, July 27, I completed the demanding submission proposal guidelines of a particular publisher. I took the completed proposal with a copy of my manuscript to the post office and mailed it off in one of those Priority Mail envelopes. It’s the first book in the One Earth Project. Wonder what will happen?
The working title of the book is The Frogs Are Drinking Up Their Pond: Five Big, Earth-Destroying Practices That We Can Change. The title plays off the Sioux proverb: The frog does not drink up its own pond. I like playing off that Indigenous proverb because Indigenous Peoples who follow their sacred Indigenous ways have never been Earth destroyers. I also like that it tells us to learn from the animals. Most of the time we humans are telling the animals what to do. But when it comes to living on our planet sustainably and in appreciation of its abundance, the animals are our teachers. So far we’ve been F students.
The subtitle telegraphs more of the content. The five Earth-destroying practices that we humans are engaged in each have a full chapter. The five are (1) making the economy the primary world religion, (2) elevating corporations and their leaders to governing status in the world, (3) shrinking humans to be consumer and worker cogs in the system, (4) cracking democracy and submitting it to undemocratic corporate rule, and (5) increasing the human population to seven billion without addressing how a single species now overwhelms all others and the planet.
Though these five practices have gone completely out of control, we can change them. That’s the point of the One Earth Project’s first book. Two others are underway. Both will emphasize what we can do. The second book will be on the consciousness we need to mature into personally and collectively to live according to One Earth ways. The third one will define more specifically the practices we can undertake to release us from our captivity to Multi Earth ways into the abundant fullness of One Earth living.
I’m looking forward to a promotional video that filmmaker, Michael Johnson, promises will be on ahead somewhere in the mix of our conversations with publishers of bound books and eBooks.
Meanwhile, leave your comments on this blog and be part of the One Earth Project community that gathers here. Your ideas for One Earth living will be noticed. Maybe they’ll even get into one of the next books or a video — all with attribution, of course.
Oh … and let’s do what we can to keep the water level in the pond as high as possible.
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