« It's Not "If" an Economy Is Religious, But "How?" »

Once I began to see that “economics as religion” was more than being clever, I searched for all it could reveal. Finally, I exclaimed, “Oh my god! Economic religion is essential to understanding the devotion of people and their systems to Multi Earth ways. I never knew so many people are writing about it.”
I no longer wonder “if” an economy is religious, but “how.” Does its theology produce healthy ecology, people, and societies, or unhealthy ones? Does it call forth the best in us, or appeal to our dysfunctional tendencies? Is it true or false? Does it value and imitate the structures of Creation, or does it innovate structures to “improve nature”?
My quest to be released from Multi Earth living has become simultaneously economic and religious.
Have you recently connected an economic choice you make with your spiritual practice? I’d like to read your comment if you have such.
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