A Tree for Troubles

A Tree for Troubles is a timeless tale, an allegory of many dimensions. It acknowledges that each of us walks through life with his or her own troubles. But what we perceive as our burden to carry—and ours alone—is far from that. The author expresses artfully her own belief in the mystical intelligence found within trees, and communities of trees—to say nothing of their life-giving gift of food, shelter, and oxygen to all living beings on our planet.
The tale introduces us to a troubled man who is so desperate for relief that he seeks the solace of a beloved tree. The man soon discovers—as do the people around him—that his own desperation is shared by many. This timeless tale weaves together the stories of people from various walks of life, of different ages, and shows how just one single mystical event can be truly transformational, creating a deeper connection between would-be strangers.
The elegant illustrations reinforce the simple poetry of the story and transport us to what feels like a different yet familiar era and place. We see ourselves, our loved ones, and our neighbors, reflected in the charming characters who learn, ultimately, that what we have in common is sometimes the most healing salve for all that ails us. It’s a story of connection. A story for our times. And a story for the ages.
The author’s goal for this book is bold. She sends it out to inspire communities throughout the world to have a “Tree for Troubles” designated within their community where community members can go and connect.
Cheryl Johnson is a former science teacher, and an Emmy award-winning documentary film maker. Through her work she strives to give others a sense of community and connection, so they know they are not alone.
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